Full Stack Developer,
Full Time Reader
Verv - Jinxei - Alisa
Your neighborhood romance enthusiast. Addicted to the monstrous, the dark, the out of this world.ARC Reviews: Open
Beta Reviews: Selective
Current Favorites

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Enemies to Lovers
Chronic Illness Representation
War College But Make It Dragons
"You do not yeild" vibes

The Lazarus by Marlow Locker
Detective x Anti-hero
Found Family
Enemies to Lovers

Frost by C.N. Crawford
The Bachelor, but make it Fae and brutal
Forbidden Romance
Hidden Identity

Renegade Romance
If you know me, you know I can't shut up about Renegade Romance. The perfectly curated bi-monthly box for lovers of monsters, aliens, and everything strange. Every month has brought at least one exclusive new cover, a ton of exclusive art and pins and stickers, and even introduced me to authors I hadn't heard ofIf you want not just a phenomenal box, but to be part of a unique community that embraces you no matter if you're into werewolves, aliens, scarecrows, balloon animals, ghosts, spider-like beings, or any other non-human being then do yourself a favor and at least join Renegade Romance on Instagram, Facebook, and even Discord.
Stalk Find Me
Find me all over the Discord and Facebook groups and at the links below.GoodReads and Amazon link to reviews.